Gum Recession Surgery Can Help Improve Your Smile

In addition to taking good care of your teeth to preserve your smile, you should also take care of your gums. Drs. Miller and Bounds specialize in professional gum surgery for patients whose gums have started to recede towards the roots of the teeth. If you cannot tell whether your gums have started to wear away, one indication is increased sensitivity. Allow us to restore your smile and improve your overall oral health at the same time.

Causes of Gum Recession

There are several reasons your gums may start to recede, including: 

  • Oral piercings
  • Tobacco usage
  • Periodontal disease
  • Changes in hormones
  • Clenching or grinding your teeth

  • Gum Recession Surgical Treatment Options

    We can sit down with you to help you decide on the best gum surgery to address your thinning gums and answer any questions you have about the procedures. A pocket depth reduction surgery involves folding back your receding gums in order to treat any harmful bacteria existing in the pockets of your gums before we anchor the gums in place over the root of your tooth.

    Dr. Miller and Dr. Bounds can also perform a regeneration surgery after your pocket depth reduction to stimulate natural bone and tissue growth by using a membrane or another regenerative material. Another option is a soft tissue graft. The procedure involves using oral tissue graphs on your receding gums to help your gum tissues grow on their own.

    Ways to Prevent Gum Recession

    There are several things you can do to keep your gums healthy and lower your chances of gum disease in Irvine, CA. We encourage you to:

  • Make regular visits to your dentist or periodontist
  • Eat healthy foods
  • Refrain from smoking and tobacco use
  • Learn how to brush your teeth with the proper technique
  • Pay attention to any changes in your mouth

  • Feel free to reach out to Dr. Bounds or Dr. Miller for a consultation to confirm whether or not you are suffering from gums recession. Call us at (949) 344-2059 and schedule an appointment today!